"Lost River" D-litter
Away To Me Blazin' Red Lunar Eclipse
Autumn Winner VDH 2019
CASD Award of Merit Conformation 2019
Away To Me My Boon Boy x Alta Away To Me Shades Of Passion
39.5 cm, 10 kg, red tri c/w, long tail
Eyes: both amber
HD: A1
ED+PL: Grade 0
OCD: normal
LUW: Type 0
Eyes: normal (2 distichs)
Cardiac ultrasound: normal
MDR1, CEA, HC, DM, NCL, HUU, CDPA: clear
PRA + CDDY: carrier
M-locus: m/m
Our D-litter was born on April 26, 2023 between 20:04 and 23:05 o'clock.
We have 8 puppies with long tails and birth weights of 157 – 275 grams.
2 males in black tri c/w
6 females, 2 blue merle c/w, 3 red tri c/w, 1 red merle c/w
Malia was happy as always during her last pregnancy and had an uncomplicated birth. She gave us a colorful litter with wonderful and lively puppies. I also love that she had her 1st litter in April 2018 between 20:06 and 22:37 o'clock and there were also 2 males and 6 females!
We are very happy about the puppies and are extremely grateful to Anu, Annika & Leena for making the mating with Ousse possible for us ♡
Now we are eagerly awaiting the further development of the little ones and hope to be able to keep one of the red tri bitches for breeding, so there may be another name exchange among them.
“ Lost River Darker Than Amber “
♀ Amber
lives with Jenny & Jan in Rödermark
Name: Amber
Meaning: amber
Born on: 26.04.2023
Color: red tri c/w
at: 20:04:05
Tail: long
with: 215 g
Eyes: amber/blue
♀ Davina
lives with Matea & Philipp near Aschaffenburg
Name: Davina
Meaning: beloved
Born on: 26.04.2023
Color: red tri c/w
at: 20:14:10
Tail: long
with: 186 g
Eyes: both amber
♀ Amaya
lives with Luisa & Peter in Ehringshausen near Wetzlar
Name: Amaya
Meaning: Night rain; gentle
Born on: 26.04.2023
color: blue merle c/w
at: 20:30:08
Tail: long
with: 157 g
Eyes: both blue
♀ Ty Lee
staying with us
Name: Ty Lee
Meaning: calm, beautyful; sun
Born on: 26.04.2023
Color: red tri c/w
at: 21:30:47
Tail: long
with: 212 g
Eyes: both blue
♀ Livy
lives with Leonie & Alex in Frankfurt am Main
Name: Livy
Meaning: peaceful; blue-gray
Born on: 26.04.2023
Color: blue merle c/w
at: 21:45:16
Tail: long
with: 192 g
Eyes: both blue
♂ Jones
lives with Tori & Julian and "Cailìn" in Montabaur
Name: Jones
Meaning: the peaceful one
Born on: 26.04.2023
Color: black tri c/w
at: 22:05:49
Tail: long
with: 195 g
Eyes: both blue
♂ Damon
moves to Katharina & Julian in Hanau
Name: Damon
Means: the divine; gentle
Born on: 26.04.2023
Color: black tri c/w
at: 22:28:53
Tail: long
with: 275 g
Eyes: both blue
♀ Skye
lives with Sarah and Mini Ami "Meta" near Freiburg
Name: Skye
Meaning: island of clouds
Born on: 26.04.2023
Color: red merle c/w
at: 23:05:52
Tail: long
with: 200 g
Eyes: both blue
“ Lost River Delightful Little Witch “
“ Lost River Drunken Sailor Davy Jones “
“ Lost River Drop in the Ocean “
“ Lost River Dazzlin' Red Solar Eclipse “
“ Lost River Dream As If You'll Live Forever “
“ Lost River Don't Kill The Messenger “
“ Lost River Dancing Under Red Skies “
Pedigree "D-litter"